I remember as a kid, I always heard the expression of my old folks at home “Oh my God” (Diyos ko po!)  Here in Switzerland they say the same; “Mein Gott!”.  It`s everyone’s favorite line to say when they are shocked, surprised or being stressed at work or at home.  One colleague shouted in his stress, “Oh my God!”  and another colleague who overheard him replied, “He is my God too”.  And everybody bursted into laughter.     

But the question remains, do we really know this God whose name we are calling? Can we really know Him?  Someone who is up there, and we don’t see, hear and feel?  God, who is He? 

At the age of seven, I went over to my childhood friend’s house to play and I saw him with some church kids practicing for their church presentation in their garage.  It was the story of David and Goliath.  My friend who saw me staring from outside called me to come inside. I ended up being introduced to the other kids and suddenly I had been included in the cast.  My role was Goliath`s assistant.  So, there I was in my role handing Goliath the Yakult before going into battle and backing up his mocking laugh by laughing with him. And that’s how I was introduced to God.

Very early in life I have heard of this verse:

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

The first ever truth that I have learned about God is this – God is love.  At seven years old, I was thinking of eternity.  I was thinking about death and dying.  I thought of my parents and grandparents, that I wanted to be with them in the next life.  I was afraid of losing them.  At this young age, I prayed that whenever God takes my Lola Beatrice, God would take me too. 

 Later on, I came to understand this Bible verse.  God loves me so much that He doesn’t want me to end up in hell.  He wanted me to be with my parents and grandparents in heaven.  God loves me so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die in payment of my sins.  The only assurance I can have is if I give my life to Him.  It is by believing in Jesus and asking Him to forgive me of my sins.     My parents and grandparents also received Jesus as Lord and Savior.  I was privileged by God to share to them the Gospel of Jesus as a teenie and I believed they would go to heaven.  Because the Bible says,

 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.  – Romans 10:9-10


Fast forward, when I studied Theology, I came to know more about God`s attributes.  Let me share it to you quickly.  It is from the book of Wayne Grudem, one of my favorite Theologian.  This is a bonus to those who want to know God more.  It is called the Attributes of God.  God is:

1. Spirit

2. Invisible

3. All-knowing

4. Wise

5. Truthful (faithful)

6. Good

7. Love

8. Merciful (Gracious, Patient)

9. Holy

10. Peace (or Order)

11. Righteous (or Just)

12. Jealous

13. Wrath

14. Will

15. Freedom

16. All-powerful and sovereign

17. Perfect

18. Blessedness

19. Beauty

20. Glory


If you wish to understand these Attributes of God more, just write me an email.  pcc.zurich@gmail.com


Scripture Reflection:

Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! – Psalms 14:1

Author : Pastor John Babar

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